Heathen Apostles
Gothic Americana
The Heathen Apostles are a gothic Americana band formed in 2013 by Chopper Franklin and Mather Louth, who perform a mix of western music, with post-punk and gothic rock elements. Two of their albums have been included in "best of the year" lists by Folk N Rock magazine
Heathen Apostles have been casting their own particular spell for a decade now, their own brand of blackened Americana bringing a stark and much needed contrast to the saccharine filled confection that Nashville has made its billions from. They’re an incredibly tight and powerful outfit, the only thing bloated being the rotting corpses in their songs. There’s an authenticity here that keys into the reality of the Old West, grit sprinkled with the Gothic as if Tim Burton directed TV show ‘Deadwood’ but toned down his more archly camp sensibilities. Certainly, the musicianship is dazzling and the songs themselves reveling with an intoxicating atmosphere.