The Passerines

The Passerines

The Passerines

Country/Americana Band

    The Passerines are a four-piece country/Americana band based in Warwickshire, UK. The band was founded by singer-songwriter Becky Murphy (vocals and rhythm guitar) and Stuart Lord (drums and harmonies). They were later joined by Grahame Scott (bass) and Si Crane (lead guitar and banjo).

    Pray For Me

    Their debut album, Pray For Me, received critical acclaim and was awarded "editor's choice" by the British Country Music Association (BCMA). The band's songwriting covers a range of topics, including love, loss, luck, and even the occasional murder. Their song "Shot That F*cker Dead" is a fan favorite at their gigs.
    The Passerines continue to work on new music and are known for their engaging live performances.

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